Chinese New Year 2021

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About the Project

2021 Chinese New Year celebration for Southampton City was an ambitious project. After delivering celebrations for more than past 5 years in person, 2021’s festivities would be a particular challenge.  CNY 2021,was celebrated virtually for the first time. The event has reached more than a million people locally and internationally.

The project included a feature length variety show with interviews, tutorials and performances linked with Chinese culture, cuisine and art. The contributors included celebrities,  local council, professionals, public service leaders, school teachers, universities, actors and also office workers. The project has been both challenging and rewarding. 

The Work

  • Total length of project – 6 months
  • 3 week shoot
  • Multiple cameras
  • Full production including
    • Shooting
    • Animations
    • Voiceover and music
    • Lighting design
    • Translation
    • Special effects
    • Colour grading
    • And more
  • Filming crew of more than 20
  • Over hundred people involved in this project